Amazon is running a combo offer in India under which it is offering the Fire TV Stick along with a Bluetooth-enabled Micromini X Ninja game controller with a cashback of Rs. 750. The prime purpose of the promotion is apparently to encourage casual gamers to buy the Fire TV Stick to play games on their TVs. Amazon claims that it offers free access to over 30,000 games through Fire TV Stick. The push for the gaming content is aimed to make the Fire TV Stick a distinct offering among other media streaming devices.
Customers need to add the Fire TV Stick along with the Micromini X Ninja game controller to their cart to get the Rs. 750 cashback, Amazon explains on its website.
The given cashback will be credited to your Amazon Pay account after the combo order is dispatched. You will be able to use it to buy new content on your Fire TV Stick including games.
The combo offer, which is live until June 30, can be effectively purchased at a low price of Rs. 4,148. It is applicable with the Fire TV Stick Lite, Fire TV Stick, Fire TV Stick 4K, Fire TV Stick 4K Max models.
The game controller with a transparent design is separately available at Rs. 1,899 on the e-commerce website. It comes with features including vibration feedback and motion sensing. The controller also includes joysticks as well as a D-pad for controlling.
Once purchased, you can connect the Micromini X Ninja controller with your Fire TV Stick by going to Settings > Remote & Bluetooth devices.
Amazon seems to be aiming to expand the use cases of the Fire TV Stick and make it a gaming device for casual gamers by introducing the new promotion. Some existing Fire TV Stick users are also seeing the offer on their home screen to persuade them to upgrade their experience and avail the combo offer.
A recent report suggested that Microsoft was planning to launch its Fire TV Stick-like TV streaming device that would allow users to access movies, TV services, and a library of games through Xbox Game Pass Ultimate.
The existing catalogue of games available for the Fire TV platform does not include any convincing titles for hardcore gamers. However, it does have games that could please regular users to use the Fire TV Stick as a gaming device — alongside watching movies and TV content.